06 August 2012

Things will not be the same.


Im just, missing my grandma. Damn much. When everyone are happy to celebrate this coming Eid, im just stay silent there trying to not to express any expression. Even now, i feel really want to cry. I know, we have to redha. But, she's died so suddenly. I cant even says sorry or talk to her for the last time.

This Eid will be soo much different than the past years. Nenek wont be there waiting for her children to come home. No one standing beside atuk anymore. I cant receive any kiss from her. I cant help her or tease her when she's cooking. Ya Allah. Dugaan kau sungguh hebat.

Nek, nolin rindu sangat kat nenek. Tapi nolin tau yang Allah lagi sayangkan nenek. Ada orang cakap nenek pergi dulu sebab nanti nenek tak payah susahkan anak-anak nenek bila nenek tak berdaya nanti. Nek, nolin pernah cakap dekat nenek yang nolin akan sambung belajar kat Australia kan, insyaAllah nolin akan tunaikan. Kalau nolin tak dapat tunaikan, nolin mintak maaf nek. Nolin tak berpeluang cakap nolin sayang kan nenek. Nek, nolin sayang nenek sangat sangat.

I know she cant read this not even know bout this. But thats what i want to say to her. Aku tak curah benda ni kat sesiapa, ibu pun tak. Sebab aku taknak orang bersedih bila diaorang dah mula berjalan seperti biasa.

Sekian. Salam.