01 September 2012

Bye August and welcome September.


You know, its hard for me to let anyone in. Doubt and scared. I even do not know what am i feeling right now. Happy? Sad? Or completely nothing at all. Yeah maybe nothing at all. I dont want to be such a cruel person. I dont want to bet the feelings of others in searching of the meaning of the true love. I dont want that.

And the saddest thing is, there is someone else in here. Yes in HERE.
Ya Allah. Jauhilah aku dari cinta yang akan membawa aku jauh dari-Mu dan dekatkan aku lagi kepada Mu. Simpankanlah hati ni kepada imamku yang telah kau takdirkan untuk ku. Simpankanlah ia untuk jodohku Ya Rahman. Aminn

Aku mintak maaf sebab dah lama mendiam. its, sometimes i have no idea what to write. I want to spill here but, no words can describe what i've gone through.

Thankyou for reading. Salam :)