30 December 2010

we are the CHAMPION!

dengan lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirrahim,

"Monsters are real, and ghost are real too, they live inside us, and sometimes, they win"

 its nearly to the end . and the end is just the beginning for something new . 
Goodbye 2010 and hello 2011
yeah, and hello too to new friends, new problems, new argument, new shits, new fight, new obsession, new goal, new promises, new mistakes, new happiness, new sadness.

but all i want to stay is just the old you . i dont need the new you .
bestfriends, families and Mr right , you completed me :)


congratulations to Harimau Malaya
my new obsession : Khairul Fahmi and Mohd Muslim. awww :D
Safee Sali soo coool mann !

see, they're cute, lol :D
dia KACAK kan ? too bad, he already got girlfriend =..= ( :D )

currentlyinmymind : i got JEALOUS easily . careful you so-called-bitch , heh .