20 December 2010

just a crush :)

dengan lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirrahim,

hey peeps, long time no see . haha . macam la kita pernah jumpa kan . actually i just got back from KL yesterday . haihh, penat pon tak hilang lagi . tapi aku tau penat aku akan hilang kalau aku bukak laptop and ontheline . hahah . serabai .

lately, sejak beberape minggu ni lah, aku ada tercrush kat someone that i found on youtube . gosh, he's cute you know . auww . gila, miang betul si joyah ni . haha . Fyi, he's a Singaporean but he's a malay guy .  aku punye gila siap download semua video dia kat youtube and sesenyap curi gamba dia kat facebook . itulah gunanya facebook KANN ? haha, sorry bro, i can't control myself . hahah . tak pe lah, aku tau dia tak marah . cehh  :)

ohh that's him

btw, he is really really really really really a good singer . aku cakap betul dan ape yang aku cakap ni tak tipu . kerat jari lah kalau lagu dia tak sedap . hahah . and yeah, he write his songs by himself . awesome . oh well, he's cute too . awww .  diam lah miang . hahah .

nak tahu nama dia? aduh, tetiba rase berat hati pulak nak bagitau nama dia . hahah . okey, his name is Isa Abdillah . dah, jangan korang nak minat dia pulak . miang :D
tapii, dia dah lama tak post video kat youtube :(

go to his youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/monkayegileisa

ohh there's another awesome person that i found on youtube too . her name is syeera sanders <-- her popular name actually . some of her songs, i mean most of her songs betul betul sesuai dengan keadaan aku . honestly, she's freaking AWESOME mann . gosh, i wish i have her voices :)

she's cute :)

go to her youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/monsterbabe12

to syeera and isa : sorry because take your pictures from facebook without your permission :)