14 December 2010

telling you my secrets .

dengan lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirrahim,

terima kasih ye wahai cek zunah sayang sebab tag aku. tetibe lak aku rasa macam nak bunuh orang =="

[1] 3 Names in your inbox cellphone :
Dia, Hani, Zunah .

[2] Your main ringtone?
handphone aku kuno .

[3] What U did at 12 last night?
crying .

[4] Who was the last person U went out with? Where?
family . pergi balik kampung .

[5] The color of T-shirt you're wearing now?
Green .

[6] The last thing you did?
talking to my brother .

[7] 3 of your everyday favourite items?
laptop, katil, makanan .

[8] The color of your bedroom

[9] How much money in your wallet now?
kau kenapa nak tahu, perompak eh ?

[10] Your favourite song?
sekarang : Hanya Seorang by Isa Abdillah .

[11] What will you do next weekend?
aku pergi Kuala Lumpur .

[12] When was the last time you saw your Mum?
30 minutes ago .

[13] Where is she now?
kat pagar rumah. dia baru balik joging .

[14] When was the last time you talked to your parents?
30 minutes ago .

[15] Who is the last person that texted you?
Dia .

[16] Where did U have your dinner lastnight?
aku tak makan malam tadi.

[17] The last suprise you got?
lupa .

[18] Last thing you borrowed from your friends?
DVD Step Up 3D

[19] Who is your BF/GF or husband/wife?
Dia .

[20] What do you feel now?
rase macamn nak menjerit.

[21] Wanna share with who?
No one .

[22] Who knows your secret?
kawan baik .

[23] They keep your secret?

[24] Are you angry with someone?

[25] What do you order at McD?
Dah lame aku tak pergi McD

[26] The last time you felt so sad?
Last night, oh no, right now :(

[27] What is your wish for tomorrow?
ssseeccrreet .

[28] Who will you tag next?
