11 June 2011

Homeworkssss aku belum siap lagi *sorak*


hi people!
So, i'm fine kalau kau tanya keadaan aku sekarang.
Masih belum lagi tahap stress even homeworks belum siap lagi.
Norlyn si pemalas HAHA :D
Lupe nak bagitau, Elecoldxshot tak dpt lagi best performance minggu ni.
But, dorang still the best crew.

Again, i've changed my blog template. More white=lagi suci  kann? :D
i modified the code on my own. But the basic code aku amik dari sini.
And the tutorial aku amik dari this pretty girl Syazana Azmir.
She's awesome.
And, the song in my blog is without words by my husband ehh, by Jang Geun Suk.
perasan pulak dia husband aku kan? tak sedar diri :D

Okay bye.
Take care.