18 January 2012

i have learned. But still, i haven't fully-mastered this.


Baru je hari tu saya luahkan ape yang saya pendam selama ni. Sekarang, awak dah contact balik. Awak bace ape yang saya tulis? HAHA * awkward* . But, i really dont want  to put any hope because i've experience the disappointment, many times. I dont expect anything :)

Malam tadi kan, aku mimpi perkara yang menakutkan. Its not ghost or something-related-to-ghost dream. I dreamt about my SPM's result. Ya Allah, sangat menakutkan TT.TT  . Memang bile terjaga peluh meleleh-leleh. Ya Rabbi, jangan kau jadikan mimpi itu benar. I want to be a good daughter that can make her parents proud. I want to make them cry because of my excellent result. Aminn :)

Okay people, do take care of your health. Sejak akhir-akhir ni asyik hujan je. Pakai payung bile keluar okay? Byeeeee :D