28 January 2012

Nasihat masuk universiti- Maria Elena


Btw, tadi baru terjumpe blog akak Maria Elena. I know, aku ni kuno dan kertinggalan zaman. Baru sekarang jumpe blog akak famous mes mes tu kekeke :D . Dah jumpe tu apelagi, memang aku godam bace entry dia segala. Lepas tu tertarik kat satu entry yang memang dah lame aku cari. I need to do a preparation for my future. A lot to do. But, my problem is, i dont have confidence atau maybe aku ni memang jenis cepat gelabah dan ada darah gemuruh ==

Memang aku copy sebijik-sebijik, sorry ye kak :D

Nasihat masuk universiti- Maria Elena
i've been receiving questions about UTP lately, rupanya Educamp is just around the corner!
i don't know when, precisely, so takyah tanya i bila k?

anyway, selaku bekas pelajar UTP, my advice to you potential candidates is to chill.
i don't know how the system works now because i never went to educamp and if i did went, it's different now.

i got my scholarship when i was in matrix lagi. i went for the interview on my 2nd semester in matrix.
matrix best kot.
especially matrix gambang, pahang.

i know, i know, a lot of people think gam*ang. so what? it's still the coolest matrix evah! dah la lagu pahang best! hahaha!

ok back to UTP yadda yadda yadda.
so what i'm sure of, the interview will be in stages. i don't remember the sequence or what they asked, coz face it babes, it was like 5 years ago kot. my memory isn't that great. so i'm sorry for the lack of details.

but what i do remember, the interview was very very much like Muet. there's like a group interview, and solo interviews.
serious i tak ingat details.

now my advice.
you have to be prepared. i mean, everywhere and anywhere pun you have to be prepared. but at least, try to brush up on your social skills. why? simple. if you're not open minded, you're not willing to take criticism, you're can't share opinions or accept others, you rather just sit at the corner buat muka cute, memang takde orang nak kisah la.
being social doesn't mean you have to go to every person and ask for their facebook so you can add them up or whatever you think being social means. i meant when you're open, you can talk confidently, you can share ideas and listen to others as well, insyallah orang lain pun have confidence in you and respect you.
you respect others, others will respect you. insyallah.

just don't be overconfident.
majooooorrrr turn off.

oh, and UTP now doesn't offer scholarships as much now. it wasn't like this during my time. i sound old there.
so what. hehe!
alhamdulillah i was sponsored but yeah, i didn't get to work in the big P eventhough i graduated in 2nd class upper (i know takde la gempak mana, but it's an achievement to me). it's not always happy ending you know. this is reality. sometimes Tuhan nak challenge kita to make us push ourselves. to strive harder. takkan semua nak smooth sailing right? alhamdulillah i got on by fine! i bersyukur sangat with what i have now. =)

ok, you have to really know the terms and conditions to getting scholarships, if you're looking for it. not just petronas's scholarship, jpa ke mara ke, whatever la. know their terms. jangan main amik je sume nak belasah tapi bila dapat course yang doesn't suit u, you tak dapat perform. rugi.

rezeki memang di tangan Tuhan, tapi usaha tu datang dari diri sendiri dong.
i sedar itu, and you should too.

in the end, what's so great about UTP sampai you nak takut takut? chill la. it's just a university. if you don't get a placement there, there're loads of other universities.
it's not as if you tak dapat means you takde future. rezeki comes in many ways. you lose some, you gain some. but like i said, usaha comes from yourself.

don't solely rely on one place.
apply to other places as well.
be ambitious.
be strong.
be positive.
also, tawakal.

if you don't know where to apply, GOOGLE IT. BACA NEWSPAPERS.
jangan pemalas boleh tak?
this is your future, so why are you depending on others to lay it out for you?
i bukan malas nak share, but seriously, i'm working already.
means my time and yours are different.
so many new universities have opened up and the levels have changed.

don't just go for famous universities. you nak education ke nak glamour?
loads of people tak kenal kot UTP. there was a lady who asked me where i studied, and when i answered UTP, she said "ohhh buat pertanian ke?" i was like whaaat? and she said "ye lah, universiti teknologi pertanian?".

chill la k?
education is important. very very important. so know your interests at least, if you don't know your strengths.
i didn't know mine until i masuk matrix.
i got sains fizikal, pastu bajet nak buat medic, so i changed to sains hayat, tapi bila buat biology, i slept like a baby.
so i went back to sains fizikal and fell in love with maths, physics and chemistry. that's why i pursued engineering.
tadaaaa~ my love story~~
ok dah banyaaaaaaak sangat bebel.

i know my advices aren't so useful to you yang nak gi educamp and go through the interviews, but what i'm trying to convey here is that you should not be so scared of interviews!
ingat la, ada banyakkkkkk options lagi kot!
oh, preparations for interviews?
practise talking in english. you all yang hate english, ha memang cari pasal la. i takleh nak tolong in that matter.
you realise that i mix english and malay?
well it's because i wasn't so good in english when i was studying in school. but i started mixing up english and malay, and semakin lama, semakin senang nak cakap in english without feeling embarrassed about it. yeah yeah my grammar and vocab may not be awesome like Harry Potter's but hey, chill la. it won't kill anyone.
betul tak?
at least i tried. at least i can speak and write confidently now.

practise practise practise.

so i wish you all the best! your future is bright kot! look for options and prepare yourself.
remember, this is your future.
don't depend on others to make it for you.
you make your own way.

insyallah things will work out for you. =)

Abang aku pernah cakap "Nolin aim yang nolin tak nak susah kan ibu ayah, InsyaAllah nolin boleh berdiri kat kaki sendiri. Nolin tak nak kan tengok ibu dengan ayah nangis? Nolin ingat lagi kan time abang dulu. Belajar betul-betul. Kalau ada peluang jangan sia-sia kan". He adviced me not to afraid about my future, take it easy.

Tapi memang aku takut. Aku takut nak berjalan dengan kaki sendiri tanpa bantuan orang lain. Sebab selama ni, ada je orang yang aku jadi kan pengangkutan. Sekarang tak lagi. hmmm. Ya Allah, bimbing dan berikan lah aku petunjuk untuk aku capai impian aku dan kejayaan untuk ibu bapa ku. Aminn.