07 February 2012

Bile rasa itu datang, saya mule menaip.


Hello guys. Its been a while since the last update. Hell ya, i'm not busy at all. I just, dont have any feelings to post anything. But now, i have :)

So, last saturday i hang out with my bestfriends and Najwa & Ainina. Dah lame betul tak jumpe diaorang. I think almost two months? But, not all six of us gather together. Si makcik kentut zunah tak dapat join sebab she need rest. Biasalah, working lady lah katakan kekeke :D  . And, kebetulan that day was Adawiyah's birthday. We did not prepare anything except for our wish. So we just wished her and sang her a birthday song at KFC in the Kluang Mall. Yang paling kelakar, we tried to make a cake by using a bread (yang sudah kene makan sikit oleh aku :b ) and few straws as candles HAHA. I know its not good enough, but the wishes comes from the bottom of our hearts. Okay serabai ayat. Konon nak speaking HAHAHA :D

Adawiyah, walaupun kite madu, aku tetap sayang kauuu. Kite akan bahagia kkkkk . Mati aku kene penggal dengan Adawiyah if she read this :D . But friend, Happy belated birthday. Semoga Allah panjangkan umur kau, berkati kau and tunaikan impian kau. We love you mmmmuuuaahh :*

Then we went for a movie. Adawiyah tak join sebab dia ada kelas. She works as a  part-time teacher now. Wahhh kengkawan aku semua dah dewasa, agaknye aku ni bile lah ek == . So, we watched Journey 2 : The Mysterious Island. The rock sangat besar wehh, lengan dia macam kayu balak  :O

Overall, that movie was awesome. Memang best lah dan Gabby comel :D

Lepas tengok movie, kiteorang jalan-jalan cuci mata. Actually, aku dah lame tak shopping. Tapi sekarang, macam sayang nak guna duit. Nak beli baju tu mesti kene fikir banyak kali. Ye la, aku kan penganggur terhormat, kene lah berjimat. Mane boleh berlagak macam orang kaya kkkk.

Dalam pukul 6 tu baru balik. Cukup puas lah dapat bawak balik cd drama Secret Garden untuk menghilang kan kebosanan :D  . Sekarang aku baru tengok sampai episode 7 and ost dia memang sedap, i likeeee HIHIHI ^^

That Women by Baek Ji-Young (cover by Amalia Alias)

Lagu ni sedih and Amalia Alias is an awesome girl :)

Okay everyone, take care. Kepada budak sekolah, belajar rajin-rajin tauuu :)

p/s : dengar dengar result 22nd March ni, tolong doakan saya okay? :) . And pray for me for tomorrow. Im gonna take my QTI and im very nervous == .

Ini entry tidak bergambar, harap maklum.
