01 April 2012

Random things about me,


Bosan dan takde kerja sebab tu buat post ni kkkk :D

  • Name Nor Lina Binti Md. Fouzi
  • Birthday 25th August 1994
  • Have four siblings, i'm the third child
  • Live in somewhere in Johor and am proud to be Johorian
  • I rabun but i hate wearing spectacle. But soon i'll be wearing it when i entered college/uni
  • I'm fat but not fat. Get the point? No? Okay, just shut up.
  • I have low self confidence.
  • My english is really bad and suck. 
  • Am wearing braces right now and it colourful and i hate+love it.
  • Love my parents. Well, everyone loves their parent right?
  • Love my siblings. I have one elder brother whom my friends call him as 'pakwe kandung' and my 'pakwe kandung 2' is my little brother lololol. I have one sister.
  • My bedroom is pink, my bed is pink, i have a lot of pink baju kurung. But i dont like pink.
  • I have phobia with teddy bears but i do like it. Just, i dont sleep with them.
  • I really really really love cat and want to keep one as pet. But i dont have any chance to keep it since my parent doesnt allowed it.
  • I love to window shopping, in the internet because.. err no reason. I just like it :D
  • I dont have a boyfriend or a crush but i have a husband. His name is Kim Junsu *okay sila muntah :D

  • My bias now is 2PM and Kim Junsu is my favourite.
  • I dont have many followers in blogger nor in my twitter.
  • I'm not a friendly type who can easily start a conversation. 
  • I'm a quite type of person who loves to have conversations in her head. Lol look how weird i am.
  • I like to observe people, eg: what are they wearing, what kind of hijab style. 
  • I can read/smells something/secret that my friends try to hide it. Lol
  • Sometimes my dreams become reality. Emm how to explain this err, when i had a dream about a situation and few days/months later the situation in that dream will repeat, in real life. It happens many times. Bila benda ni berlaku, aku tetiba je terfikir "Eh, macam aku pernah lalui situation ni". Its not something serious situation, just a normal one. Lol i'm bad at explaining something. But, its really happens. Yeah, weirdo -.-
  • I like to sleep especially when my family and I travel to somewhere far such as KL
  • I dont have many clothes, shoes, jeans, tudung, bag *Err, should you tell people bout this =>=
  • I use Skinz product since 5 years ago and never had intention to change it. I'm a faithful person lololol :B
  • I never wear lotion on my hand, seingat aku la.
  • I can speaks with cat. HAHA nah, when i meoww, they(cat) will meoww back, and the coversation will go on =="
  • My phone is Nokia 5130 and now i'm trying to convince my father to buy a new handphone. But i wont trade in my Nokia. Tak sampai hati nak trade since it was my present.
  • I love eating nasi pattaya :B

Okayyy. Sampai sini je lah HAHA
Byeee people :D