02 May 2012

It takes time to heal the wound.


Salam people! It has been a while from the last entry. Sorry because i cant update daily since i have no idea to write. HAHA there are nothing great happening to me so there are no story to tell :B . Great excuses Norlyn. Why dont you just admit that you are lazy? Yes. I. Am. A. Lazy. Person. HAHA a little bit too honest? Booo :D

Actually, few days back i'm not in a very good mood. Its all because of the scholarship. Lagi-lagi pasal topic tu kann? HAHA I'm dissapointed and a bit depressed about that. Got rejected again and again. Ughh. But, i wont give up. Rezeki aku belum tiba lagi and i know Allah have another better plan for me. Amin :) . Actually i had promise to someone that i will get excellent result, then further my studies overseas and make my parent proud. The first promise, i had done it. I got two more to go. Aku taktau sebab apa aku nak tunaikan janji-janji tu semua. They were an old promises and that someone is someone who i hate. But, still aku terdorong nak laksanakan janji tu semua. Tchh i am stupid right? Kah kah .

Since last week, all 94 batch kecoh-kecoh about matriculation. Busy asking others where they get. Tapi agak pelik sebab ramai budak sekolah aku dapat tempat yang sama. And me, tersorok and tercorok dekat Johor. Alahai kesiannn puihh puihh. I got Kolej Matrikulasi Johor at Tangkak. My brother was one of the students there and yeah, like brother like sister right? HAHA Love you abang :* Thanks yaw for the money. Aww aww :3

Tapi alhamdulillah. Sekurang-kurangnya ada plan B kan kalau ada apa-apa. And it is great that Mimi and Adawiyah and Faten got the same place as i am. At least i got friends there. You know what i like about matriculation? Mainly is the outfit that we have to wear. Almost all the time we have to wear baju kurung as for girls. Wew wew, i like to wear baju kurung. Ehemm perempuan melayu terakhir lah katakan. Kekekeke. Bukan kah nampak manis berbaju kurung, sejuk mata memandang kan :)

If you cant keep the promise, then dont ever say that words. It brings a big meaning to others.

Okay. Take a good care of yourself people. And to those who will go for PLKN this morning or tomorrow, goodluck and selamat berjuang :D

p/s: cant wait for the picnic with my baby girls :*