29 February 2012

22 days to go.


Tomorrow is the first day of March. Oh nooooo, here it come. Most frightening month ever finally come, especially for SPM 2011 candidates. Twenty two days to go until the final day. Ya Allah. I. AM. REALLY. SCARED. What to do, what to do, what to do, na oetteokhae? Berdebar sangat hati aku ni. I hope everything gonna be great, really great. Oh Allah, please let me get straight A+'s for my result. I want to, really really want to make my parents proud. Izinkan lah Ya Rahman. Amin.

And what did i do for today? HEHE i meet an orthodontic in Hospital Kluang. Finally, what i had been waiting for since last year is gonna be real. Maybe in another two weeks, i will wear bracess, for real. Oh, cant waitttt. Kkkkk. I know its gonna be painful but, i think it will help me to increase my self confidence. I think so :B

Anddd, finally. Guess what? I passed my JPJ test yesterday :D:D Alhamdulillah. Lepas dua kali gagal, akhirnya lepas jugak. Yepppe! Kkkkkk ^^

You know what, i mentally dated him.

Byeeeeee and take care :)