27 February 2012

Cinta Agung.


Cinta yang teragung di dunia dan akhirat adalah cinta Allah s.w.t. Aku nak berubah, berubah untuk menjadi yang lebih baik, menjadi hamba yang taat dan hanya menyintai Tuhannya. Kenapa baru sekarang Norlyn?Kenapa baru sekarang kau sedar cinta yang paling indah adalah cinta Allah?

I admit that, in the past i've become somekind of a bad servant. I've done many bad things, small sins, big sins, i've done some of it. I left my prayer, lying and hiding the truth, uncover my aurat, touching people that are not my mahram and other things. To tell the truth, i did repent but i keep repeating my mistake over and over again. Maybe, i was never sincere enough doing my repent. Thats why, satan can easily hasut me and whispers me to do bad things.

Why now, yeah. Why now i talk about this? I dont know. I just, feeling something is missing inside me. Sometimes i feel want to cry but, why do i have to cry? Nothing is upsetting me right now. Sometimes i feel that i longing to somebody but, who? I dont have a crush or a boyfriend. Then i realize, all this kind of feelings are sign for me to change into a better person, into a good servant. I've been away from Him for a very long time. Maybe now its time for me to turn my soul towards Him. 

Ya Rabbi, forgive me for keep turning my face away from you. I've been walking in a wrong path. Now, please allow me to back to the beginning. Please protect me from satan and make it easy for me to preform my ibadah. Ya Rahman, please prevent me for taking a wrong decision and guide me throughout this life. Please let all my love is just for You and Prophet. Amin.

I'm sorry. I have nobody to confess about this. I was too embarrassed about my past. Please pray for me so that i always become a good servant to Allah.
Alhamdulillah, Assalamualaikum.