11 February 2012



Heartbreak according to urban dictionary:

1.  The absolute worst feeling in the entire world. When one is heartbroken they may actually feel such an intense pain they don't even want to live anymore. 

One may feel heartbreak when a (romantic) relationship comes to an end or when one has been cheated on etc. You cannot think about anything except for the awful pain you feel and how much you hate the person for leaving you, and at the same time desperately want them back.

Heartbreak literally feels like someone stabbing a knife into your chest and twisting it repeteadly.
I never knew why they called it "heartbreak" until I experienced it.

2.  When you're really in love with someone and you guys break up and it hurts so bad it keeps you up at night because every time you close your eyes, you think of them. you can't eat. you can't sleep. you can't be in a room by yourself bacause you start thinking about them. you have to keep yourself busy at all times bacause otherwise, you think of them and it hurts so much you wanna cry. you can't listen to the radio or watch tv anymore because every other song, tv show or movie makes you think of them. it hurts so bad you feel empty inside and nothing you can do can fill that space. no one could ever take the place of that person. and no matter how hard you try to move on, it always comes down to the fact that you can never be as in love with another person the way you were in love with them. 
Heartbreak is the worst feeling in the world, I'd never wish this feeling on another person.

3.   The worst feeling in the entire world, and the hardest to describe. It feels as if you can't breathe, you can't stop crying, and sometimes your chest even burns. It goes on for quite some time, but eventually fades after a while; or in some severe cases, the pain never goes away. It usually hurts the worst the first time, and the first love will never be forgotten. The first love is the one you will compare all the others to. It feels as if your heart is being stabbed repeatedly, because it feels like you can't live without the person.

4.  One of those feelings that never seem to go away. The one where every single thing left and right will remind you of the person that once loved you as much as you love them. You still love them, but they have let go, given up on you. It's not just a mental feeling, but when it happens you feel this pain right where your heart is. Like your heart is actually breaking,

To me,

Why am i posting this shit. Ughh. But i still want to post it kkkk :)
Hey, today i take my QTI test ( i dont know what QTI stands for) and i PASSED :D

Okay byee people. Have a nice day and, take care :)