25 March 2012

Syukran #2


Hello everyone! Haihh, baru sekarang ada rasa/masa nak update blog. Yela, since keluar result hari Rabu minggu lepas, aku busy isi borang UPU, scholarship segala. Berpeluh-peluh aku isi segala tempat kosong kat borang. Nasib baik online kann :)

And for my SPM result. Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah for giving me a good result for my parents. Masa hari amik result memang gementar semangat, sampai tak makan == . Bila result keluar, aku terharu sangat. Aku peluk bestfriends aku bila diaorang dah dapat slip diaorang. And when i received my result, what i can said that time was Alhamdulillah :)

Then, i straight away find my mom and hugged her. Aku agak terharu sebab usaha aku selama ni berbaloi. While i hugged her, i thank her for being there and always give support me. Ibu, i love you too much. This is my present that i always wanted to give you. All this while, I'm not a good daughter for you and Ayah. Ayah, all this time, you always wished me to get 10A+s. I remembered every morning before i went to school, you always told me that you want to see me get 10A+s. But, I'm sorry Ayah because i cant fulfill your wish. Kemampuan Norlyn hanya terhad untuk dapat result ni. But still, you happy for my result Ayah. Thank you for being such a supportive dad even though your nagging always make me mad. Thank you Ibu Ayah :)

Alhamdulillah. Thank you for those who congratulated me. And for those who had received their result, aku ucapkan tahniah untuk kauorang semua. Tak kisah ape pun result kauorang, kauorang dah usahakan yang terbaik. Mungkin ini ujian/dugaan untuk kauorang. This slip is just a ticket for us to further our study. Bila dah masuk University nanti, itu lah perjuangan kita sebenar. Dont give up now because the true war is just started.  You are only at the beginning of a new chapter of your life. You still have a long way to go. After this, life will get tougher, the challenges getting harder, godaan syaitan pun makin kuat. As long as you have faith in Allah, InsyaAllah you will success :)

Untuk budak-budak SPM 2012, aku ucapkan good luck kat kauorang. All the best :)

Annndd, i've wore this besi on my tooth. It kind of ugly for me, but tak boleh nak complaint sebab ibu tak bagi mengeluh. Tapi, haihhhh ==

Okay byeee people.
Take care :)