26 March 2012

What are three things most important to you?


I went for speaking class at Erican just now. This is my first time attending class at Erican. It was quite fun and enjoyable since there were not so many students. The teacher also really nice and she's pretty :D .Today topic is happiness. The teacher will act as facilitator and ask us question and we try to elaborate it. This is one of the questions that she asked me. And you know what, i cant believe that i speaking, in english! :O

What are three things most important to you?
For me, the first thing is my family. Because without them, i wouldnt be here, i never be here talking to all of you. My family is really supportive in everything i do. They always give me courage to step ahead and they always there when i look behind. They always catches me from failing. Because of that, they really important to me.

The second thing is my bestfriends. I have six besfriends now. We study together and they always help me in my study. We will support each other when one of us are having problems. They always help me when im in problem. Usually when i have problems, i never talked to my parents. I really comfortable to tell my friends about it. And then, they will advice me and give solutions to my problems. I really love them.

Third thing is, err for me, money is really important. If i have money, i will buy an expensive laptop, the latest smartphone and buy clothes. HAHA And with those money i will update my closet since i really want to be a fashionable person.

And you know what, the teacher praised me for being honest about the money part. Muehehehe Well, i kinda a materialistic person but not at the extreme level :D . And the funny part was when i tell them that i dreams about my bias in Korea Lolololol

Hey, i dreamed that i married with you, Junsu :D

Yeah, thank you to my mom for accompany me in the class. Sanggup amik kelas sebab nak teman anak dara sorang ni :D . Thanks ibu >.<

Okay byeeeee :D