07 April 2012

Bad day is just a bad day.


See, i got Group 3 for PLKN. How great was that? == . Actually Im not happy with that. Kalau boleh, memang nak benda tu berlaku cepat-cepat sebab lepas ni dah tak payah fikir apa-apa selain study. But i think i have no luck. Yeah, all this things were crazy and im know it - I'm crazy lololol

And what was the worst part, my application for TNB scholarship was rejected. Well, not just TNB, just now i checked for UEM scholar, the same thing happened. I was killed two times and surprisingly, I'm Alive~~ *Baby I'm alive (Junsu's song)

Am missing my school times. There is nothing to worry about except for your exam. Sekarang memang banyak perkara nak fikir. Result pun okay gitu-gitu je. Alahaii. Hey dude, tak reti bersyukur? No, I am really really really grateful but i wish i can do better. Seriously, for SPM'12 candidates, jangan lah main-main nak SPM ni. Kalau hang tak dpt result tak berapa nak bagus, susah nak cari scholarhip. Like my friend, Louise sad " No money, no talk" . To further study, you really need money.

Okay, itu jeeee :B
And kat sini aku nak mintak maaf pada junior-junior yang hadir talk hari rabu hari tu. Akak mintak maaf kalau akak bercakap macam nak kerek. Dah kauorang bercakap mase aku bercakap kan. Wew wew~

Take care :)