15 April 2012



Hello guys. How you guys doing? For SPM leavers, already got interviews? Then congratulation and wish you will doing well :) . Me? I'm still waiting, waiting and waiting. Oh man, I feel kind of jealous to those who already got the scholarship. This feeling, i dont know how to describe. Been rejected for three times, AWESOME right? ==

Well, can't complaint sebab semua rezeki masing-masing kan? Allah have another better plan for me. Now i'm thinking whether i should do AUSMAT (AUSMAT=Australian Matriculation) or not, should i further my studies overseas or not, should i take matriculation or diploma. A looottt to think. Since i was kid, memang dah pasang angan-angan serta impian nak belajar luar dari Malaysia. Why? Sebab macam seronok. Yeah, that was my reason when i still a kid. But now, the reality is so terrifying to think. Lol please ignore my bad english :B

Studying overseas meaning that you will be far away from everything you used to. Far away from the country, far away from the comfort that you have lived for years, far away from the existence of your family and friends, far away from the place that you used to. It takes a lot of sacrifice. And i'm not sure whether i can survive or not. Sure it will be a lot of pressure study outside the country. You have to do well in studies or else, it will be high possibilities for the scholarship to be cancelled and maybe you have to pay them back. You have to find a place/apartment for you to stay and food- if you are non-muslim it wouldnt be a problem. Its difference for Muslim who have to find halal food and, its not easy to find halal food unless we studies in the country that have a lot of muslim.

My mother said, not everything are easy. Tak semua benda senang. Setiap yang kita pilih mesti ada penghalang untuk menguji kita. You have to believe, all the circumstances will make us become more strongger.

I need to think more about my future.
Well, lets stop about the further study topic. Lets move on to another topic :B

I dont understand people who can't appreciate what they have. Mungkin mereka semua tak nampak betapa berharganye barang yang mereka pegang. Barang? HAHA orang pun boleh. Mereka ingat dia kaca yang tak bernilai. Bila dah habis guna, senang buang masuk tong sampah. Tapi dia tak sedar, benda yang dia buang tu sebenarnya intan permata berlian. Ehh, power dramatis ayat kan :B . Aku sebenarnya kesian tengok orang macam ni. Can't differentiate between the glass and the germs. Sangat kesian kan? Tchh.

Should i write more? I think no :)
Okay ini cuma luahan perasaan oleh aku. Muahahahahaha. Kalau terasa tertusuk minta maaf ye :D

Okay salam :)