11 May 2012

Love for a thousands years #2


Salam people! Yayy a high five please *pap* :D . Okay happy because i'm back eh HAHA. Well there are soo many happy things that had happened to me this whole week. Alhamdulillah, Allah have another better plan for me :)

Actually, i'm pretty lazy right now. Eh not lazy, i'm just tired :P  Okayyy stop talking and start the story Norlyn.

So should we flashed back to 5th May 2012 where i dating with my girls?
That day- Saturday, six of us had agreed to go a picnic in Tasik Kluang. Walawehh its really fun plus, i'm really miss them. Haven't hangout with them for a long time. Even its kinda hot that day eh, of course lah panas, Malaysia kannnn HAHA. So everyone have to bring food from home EXCEPT me of course. I take a part-time job in Dominos Pizza so i get 3 free pizzas. Okayyy siapa percaya memang lurus bendul Kkkkk I'm just kidding. I'm the one who ordered 3 regular pizza by using a voucher. Luckily my mom have a voucher if not, for sure memang rabak terkopak lah wallet aku. But actually with the voucher, i also have to pay RM 50. But its okay, belanja kawan kan? :D  . So sekarang siapa nak kena belanja sila jadi kawan aku, memang aku belanja. *K, sekali lagi ada orang percaya memang lurus tahap berbendul :B

After done eating, opsss i wanna officially say sorry to Adawiyah, Fatin, Hani because you have to wait bout 1hour 40 minutes. Kahkahkah salahkan dominos tu okay :D
So, after done chatting while eating , we took pictures together. Serius, dah lama tak bercamwhore bak kate budak hotsentap Kahkah. K, kenapa banyak sangat buat lawak tak berapa nak lawak ni Norlyn? Are you losing your mind? Maybe adrenaline hormone terlebih kot. Okay, sila tersengih sebentar -.-

*Krik Krik*
Okay here the pictures. Gonna miss the moments sooo bad. Suddenly i miss eating Fatin's kek batik, playing Adawiyah's ipad+dslr :/

“Ingatlah sahabat, impian adalah titik gerak langkah kita, kesungguhan dan keyakinanmu bakal menentukan titik akhirnya.” 
― Hlovate, Rooftop Rant

Bukan mudah sebenarnya mencari sahabat yang baik. Bukan senang mengekalkan persahabatan sehingga akhir hayat atau di akhirat nanti. Bukan mudah sebenarnya nak cari sahabat yang betul-betul memahami. Alhamdulillah, i've found my own sahabats :)

“Happiness is a nothingness without completeness.” 
― Hlovate, Contengan Jalanan

Sooooooo, THE END :D
I'm gonna post another happy story in another entry. I'm soo tired because of the interview. What interview? HAHA later i will tell you in the next story :)

So, do take care people and be happy always :B