15 May 2012

MARA Interview


Salam people! Yes as i promised, i'm gonna tell you what is the interview that i went :)
But before that, just nak menyatakan ini hanya perkongsian sahaja bukan niat untuk menunjuk ke menonjol ke ape ke. HEHE Peace no war okayy (Y)

So last Friday 11th May, i went for MARA PILN Interview. To be honest, i was really really excited, nervous, scared Ahahaha Okay its normal lah kan, because this is my first interview ever. Siapa je lah kan yang tak nervous :B

My interview was scheduled at 5pm. I was kinda worried because of the time of the interview. Yela pukul 5 petang orang dah penat = senang marah-marah = tak berapa fokus = markah ditolak. HAHA Itu cuma dalam bayangan kepala aku je. So that day, i woke up early not as usual. Its all because of the nervous feeling. Fuuu at the early morning, switched on the laptop/wifi and google everything that related to the interview. Bace blog-blog orang yang dah lepas interview, and then search the answer that related to the question. Okay saya rajin kann? Terima kasih :P

At noon 12.30 something, dah mula siap. Mandi+gosok baju/tudung+make up. HAHA okay time tu jantung tak payah cakap lahh. Then, me and my mom waited for my dad to finish his Friday prayer. Around 2.30pm, we headed to JB = Johor Bahru not jamban busuk k :D

Dan paling tak percaya, sampai JB dalam pukul 3.30pm, tersesat pulak cari IKM dekat mana. Ada peta macam tak guna je == . HA HA HA family saya tak guna GPS harap maklum. Masa tu dah cuak, entah jumpa ke tidak IKM ni. Degil taknak muncul-muncul ishhh. Nasib baik ada pakcik teksi baik tolong tunjukkan arah. Terima kasih pakcik, jasamu dikenang.

So i reached IKM JB around 4.10pm and i was the first interviewee for 5pm panel 2 session. Duduk lah dekat tempat menunggu sesorang. Parents pulak dekat ruang menunggu ibu bapa. Sebenarnya boleh je duduk dengan parents tapi aku ni saje nak tunjuk dah pandai berdikari duduk dekat ruang menunggu sesorang -.- . Dah nervous sangat, i called Hani <3 , mengadu tu mengadu ni HAHA .Then 20 minutes later, the other interviewees register. And yeahh i finally found my group members. We chatted with each other, asking this, asking that dan paling tak lupa 'Awak pandai cakap BI?' Kahkahkah this silly question suddenly came out from my mouth. Laughing really hard in my head :D

So, here we go, sharp at 5.00pm the staff called us to go to panel 2. My group consist of 6 girls including myself and i guy. Overall, i think my group was kinda boring but actually it can be fun if we can interact and tolerate with each other. But there is one guy in my group, ohmy i'm really mad at him. He cut me out when i want to speak, he stole my ideas and kinda selfish. Thinking bout him really make me want to punch him in the face dushh dushh :O . Our group task is about the diabetes patient. We have to discuss whether traditional/modern medicine are the most suitable. Luckily, i read somewhere bout acupuncture/herbal so at least i have points to talk. But that guy, i'm speechless ==
Luckily i was not asked by the interviewers fiuhhh :D

I dont have any tips, if i have, it will be the same as everyone :
  • Be confident while you are talking, dont mumbles (Psst i mumbles a lotttt ==')
  • Respect your group members by listening to their opinions/ideas
  • Do have conversations with your group member before the interview, it helps :)
  • Dont be silent, TALK.
  • Please dont be too dominant.

I know that i'm kinda late sharing my MARA interview experience, but i think it will be useful for the next year students :)

I miss this six guys :/

Okay people. Take care of yourself. Gonna update more later :)
Byeeeeee <3